Vicki Belinoski is not a musician, which is a bit of an anomaly for a tour leader with Inishfree Tours.  She is a lover of all things Irish: Irish people, music, language, history, scenery, and even Irish weather.  Vicki has been working as our Tour Liaison since 2009, and has worked with nearly 2000 of our previous guests, and many more who haven’t yet made it on one of the tours.

Vicki is a well-traveled person who only discovered the rare beauty and exceptional lure of Ireland on her first visit, in 2003.  She has been back many times since then.  She was on one of the first of our tours back in 2006, and often extends her visits as she loves to drive the small, fuchsia- and montbretia-lined roads on her own.

When Vicki isn’t thinking about Ireland, she….. well, there really isn’t much time that she isn’t thinking about Ireland!  She is a retired clinical Social Worker who loves photography, and has tens of thousands of photos of Ireland to show for it.  She also loves genealogy and has found her beloved 19% Irish roots through DNA testing!  It may be a fairly small %, but she can feel it!

She and her husband ran a very popular house concert series for 17 years and she knows most of our musician leaders personally.   Many of them have played in her living room.  She has helped with artist booking in the past and even booked a US tour for an Irish artist.

Vicki has led and participated as a guest on many of our tours since 2006.  She welcomes anyone who might want to come with her on this unforgettable journey.  Many of the people she has worked with in the past remain her friends.  While she isn’t a musician, she does have 3 penny whistles, 2 bodhráns, a guitar, piano, 5 recorders, and a long history of singing, but you won’t hear that on the tour.  Instead, she likes to put the focus on the wonderful Irish music you’ll be hearing every night.


Available tours

Vicki Belinoski


Itineraries selected from Counties Cork, Kerry, Waterford and Clare.

Aug 24 - Sep 02 2026

Vicki Belinoski


Itineraries selected from Counties Cork, Kerry, Waterford and Clare.